Camel Up Board Game

Camel Up Board Game

In the Camel Up board game, five racing camels will have a quick race around a pyramid. And up to eight players will bet on them. Each player will try to know which camels will place first and second in the entire race.

Players: 3-8

Game Time: 30-45min

Complexity: Low

Age: 8+

Release Year: 2021

The earlier you place your bet, the more you can win, and of course, you have to give the correct guess. You must strategize over where to place your bets.

Camels don’t run neatly; however, sometimes they land on the back of another camel, and then they are carried towards the finish line. Which camel will move depends on the dice coming out of the pyramid when shaking it; this pyramid releases one die at a time.

The Second Edition of Camel Up comes with crazy camels that begin the race running in the opposite direction to add extra variability. You never know how a race will end. The winner of this game is the one who collects the most money.

Camel Up Board Game

Game Components

1 Game board with a giant 3D palm tree

20 Betting tickets

5 Pyramid tickets

80 Egyptian pound coins

40 Finish cards

8 Spectator tiles

8 Partnership cards

5 Racing camels

2 crazy camels

5 Racing dice

1 Grey die

1 Starting player marker

1 Dice pyramid

1 Rule book

The brand new illustrations from renowned artist Chris Quilliams give the game a fresh new and contemporary look. The original edition opted more for wood and cardboard, whereas the new 2nd edition utilizes more plastic.

The second edition retains all the fabulous fun from the base game and provides some cool extras, too. The pyramid here is plastic, not cardboard. The new plastic pyramid feels more robust. A grey dice with numbers in white and black is placed in the pyramid alongside the other dice for the racers.

The biggest addition is a pair of crazy camels which are black and white-colored camels that go the wrong way around the track. 

The game board comes with a pop-up palm tree that looks nice. The money tokens have also become plastic and give the sound of real coins. The box of the second edition comes with specific slots for all the game pieces.

Game Setup

1-Put the game board in the middle of the table.  

2-The 20 betting tickets that are 5 colors in total, first sort them by color, then stack each color in the following manner: the 2-pound tickets on the bottom, then the 3-pound tickets, and on the top are the 5-pound tickets. Then put them in their corresponding space on the game board.

3- Put the 5 pyramid tickets in their section on the board.

4-The Egyptian pound coins are then sorted by their value and placed next to the board. this supply is called the bank

5- Each player will take 3 Egyptian Pounds and put them in front of him.

6-Every gamer will choose a character and then take the 5 finish cards and the spectator tile of his character. Any spare finish cards or spectator tiles are returned back to the box. you have to hide your finish cards from other players

If it is a six-player game or more, each player takes the partnership card corresponding to his character and places it in front of him with the available side face up.

7-Except for the crazy camels determine the starting position for the other 5 racing camels. To do this, roll all the 5 racing dice and place each camel on the space corresponding to the number rolled.

For instance, if the rolled number of the yellow die is one, then the corresponding camel of the same color is placed on the first space, and so on. If two camels or more are in one space, then place them on top of each other. When placing the camels, make sure they face clockwise.

8-Then roll the grey die to place the crazy camels. Select the one you want to place first, then roll the die. After that, roll the die again and place the second crazy camel.

 If it is the same space as the first crazy camel, place the second camel on the top of the first one. Make sure that both of the crazy camels face counterclockwise.

The number rolled by the grey die determines the starting positions of the crazy camels. If the number rolled is one, the crazy camel goes to space 16; if the number is two, it goes to space 15, and if three, it goes to space 14

9-Drop all of the dice into the pyramid and put the cap back on. Then place the pyramid into its corresponding place on the board.

10-The youngest player will take the starting player marker, and then the game starts.

Camel Up Board Game, How to Play?

The player with the starting player marker will start the game and perform only one action, then the gamer on his left will perform one action, and so on. The turn will proceed in clockwise order.

There are four actions that you have to choose one of them in your turn. Those actions are Taking the top betting ticket of any stack, Placing a spectator tile onto the race track, Taking one pyramid ticket, and moving a camel or bet on the overall winner or loser of the race.

Take A Betting Ticket

The Camel Up board game involves a series of legs that make up the race. A leg ends when only one die remains in the pyramid, so this means that five of the six dice have been revealed from the pyramid.

To place a bet, draw the top betting ticket from any stack on the board corresponding to the camel you want to bet on. Then place it in front of you.

You can collect any number of betting tickets you want throughout the leg; there is no limit. you can get multiple tickets for the same camel or tickets for several various camels

Place Your Spectator Tile

In your turn, you can choose to place your spectator tile on the race track on the game board. But you have to place it in an empty space that has no camels or spectator tiles on it. Also, you can not place it on the first space or one a space adjacent to a space containing spectator tile.

If your spectator tile is already on the board, you may use this action to move it to a different space, following the same rules.

When you place the spectator tile, you can place it with the booing side face up or with the cheering side face up.

Take A Pyramid Ticket and Move A Camel

During your turn, you can draw the top pyramid ticket from the stack and place it in front of you. Then immediately shake the pyramid to reveal one die from it.

To do this, pick the pyramid up, turn it on its head and shake it thoroughly. Then turn the pyramid upwards again and hold it a few inches above the tabletop. Press the entrance button on the side once to reveal one die that falls onto the tabletop

Which camel will move depends on the color of the released die. And the number of spaces that this camel will move depends on the number rolled.

The camel will move clockwise around the board. If the camel lands in a space containing another camel, this camel will be placed on top of the camel that already was in this space.

If the camel that is moving carries other camels on its back, it will take all of the camels that sit on its top with it.

If you reveal the grey die, one of the crazy camels will move. In most cases, determining which camel will move depends on the color of the number rolled. For instance, you will move the white camel if the die shows a white number. And the black camel will move if the die shows a black number.

But this rule has some exceptions, which are if one of the crazy camels carries any racing camels on its top, this one must be moved, whatever the color of the rolled number is.

And If one of the crazy camels is sitting directly on the other crazy camel’s back and there are no racing camels between them, the one on the top will be moved.

The crazy camel will move counterclockwise. The number of spaces the camel will move is the number rolled on the grey die.

Spectator Tiles

If a camel lands on a space that contains a spectator tile, whoever owns this spectator tile receives from the bank one Egyptian Pound.

The camel and any camel on its top will move depending on what side of the spectator tile is facing up.

The camel will move one space forward if the tile cheering side is facing up. If the new space is occupied with camels, the camel that is moving will jump on the top of the stack.

 But the camel will move backward one space if the booing side is facing up. If it lands in space with other camels, it will move to the bottom of the stack.

Once you are done with your move, put the die into any free dice tent to indicate that it has already been used in this leg.

Bet On The Overall Winner Or The Overall Loser

During the gameplay, you can bet on any camel that you think will be the overall winner or the overall loser of the whole camel race. If you want to bet on any of those options, use your finish cards.

To bet on the winning camel, choose a camel that you think will be in the lead at the end of the game to bet on, and secretly pick a Finish Card that corresponds to the color of this camel. Then place it face down on the betting space for the overall winner.

But if you want to bet on the overall loser, this will be the camel that you think will be the last one on the race track at the end of the game. To do this, secretly choose the Finish Card that matches your chosen camel and put it face down in the betting space for the overall loser.

If there are already cards in the space, put yours on top of them. Once the card is placed, it must stay where it is for the rest of the game. But as long as there are Finish Cards in your hand, you can make multiple bets for the overall winner or loser.

End of The Leg

The end of a leg is when a player gets the last pyramid ticket and moves the fifth camel for the leg. Before the next player starts, a leg scoring round occurs for all gamers.

The player to the left of the player who gets the last pyramid ticket will receive the starting player marker to indicate that he will take the next turn after the scoring for this leg is accomplished.

Then you will determine which camel is in the lead. If there are multiple racing camels in one space, then the one on the top of the stack is the leading camel. in this part of the game, the crazy camels are ignored; they do not count when determining which is the leading camel

Now depending on the camel you bet on, you will lose or take money from the bank. If you bet on the leading camel, you will get the value printed on the ticket.

But if you bet on a camel in the second place, you will get only one Egyptian Pound. And if you bet on other camels that did not place the first or the second, you will lose one Egyptian Pound.

After that, you will gain one Egyptian Pound for every pyramid ticket you took during the previous leg.

Start A New Leg

Once all the players pay the money they lost and take the money they gained, they must reset the game for the next leg.

1- They have to return the betting tickets on the board to their corresponding area. Place the highest values of each color on the top and the lowest values on the bottom.

2- Return all of the pyramid tickets to their area on the board

3- Any spectator tile that is placed on the board before will be returned to its owner

4-Insert all of the dice in the pyramid and put the cap back on, then place it on the board.

After that, the gamer who has the starting player marker will start his turn.

End of Game

If one of the camels crosses the finish line, the game ends immediately, even if a crazy camel crosses the line in the opposite direction. If a crazy camel moves another camel across the finish line in the opposite direction, this camel is considered in last place.

To begin, the players will conduct one more round of end-of-leg scoring. Now the end of the game scoring round for the overall winner and the overall loser occurs.

First, take the face-down card deck on the betting space of the overall winner. Remember the card on the top was the last card placed and the one on the bottom is the first card. Flip all the cards over, so now the one on the top is the first one played.

Go through the cards one by one to see if the player was correct. The first player to play a card showing the actual winner of the race, the bank pays him eight pounds. While the second player will get five Egyptian pounds, the third player will get three pounds, and the fourth will earn two pounds. The others will get only one Pound.

In the overall winner pile, each card shows any camel other than the winner will cost one Egyptian Pound to the player who owns it.

Once you are done with the overall winner deck, go through the overall loser pile. The camel that traveled the least in the race is the overall loser. If there are multiple camels in the same area, the overall loser is the one on the bottom of the camel stack.

If any racing camels cross the finish line in the opposite direction, these are considered the least advanced camels. Then Score for the overall loser in the same way you did with the overall winner.

After that, all the players will then count up how much money they have. The winner is the gamer with the most money. If there is a tie, the tied gamers share the victory.

Additional Rules for Six Plus Players

When playing a six-player game or more, some additional rules need to be followed. At the start of this dice game, players will get their partnership cards. This card is placed with its available side up.

Also, there is the fifth action for every turn where you can enter a betting partnership with another player. When you choose a gamer, he can not refuse you. Both gamers will exchange the partnership cards and then place them with the partnership side facing up.

Once it is your turn, if your partnership card has the available side face up, you can take this action. You can score points for one of the betting tickets that are collected by your partner. If you don’t want to use any of your partner’s betting tickets, you don’t have to. Once scoring is accomplished, the partnership is over, and you take your partnership card back and place it in front of you with the available side up.

Camel Up Board Game

Our Opinion About Camel Up Board Game

Camel Up Board Game, made by Eggertspiele, is a dice-rolling game that combines strategy and luck. Although it depends on a lot of luck, you also need a good strategy to know which camels to bet on.

Camel Up Second Edition features a new game board design, a new pyramid design, engraved dice, and new game modes that include crazy camels that start the race running in the opposite direction to add some challenge to the players.

This game is easy to play and also easy to set up and tear down. It is a game that the whole family can enjoy. Players eight years old and up can play this game, making it a good choice if you want to have a fun family game night with your kids.

Camel Up is a game you can play over and over again and have fun every time, as you will never know how the race will end. Not just at home, Camel Up is a hit at the office for a game to play on lunch breaks. This game has a playtime of 30-45 minutes and can accommodate up to 8 players; it is always drawing the crowd.